суббота, января 31, 2015

Force Majeure* (Ш.,Ф.,Н. 2014)

В пасторальной атмосфере французских альп ничего не предвещает кризиса в идеальной, на первый взгляд, скандинавской семье. Вмешательство "высшей силы" заставляет мужчину и женщину взглянуть по-новому на себя и свои отношения. Очень здорово поставлено, снято и сыграно.Символизм заключительной сцены остался не до конца понятен.


Действия фильма проходят на фоне мест, из которых мы только вернулись на этой неделе.

* Форс-мажор \  Turist

4 комментария:

  1. Анонимный13:54

    Great movie. Thanks. I think the last scene was about the same instinct of self preservation. Director left in the bus 2 people, which obviously don't have it and by the normal standards of our moral look like a mad ones. All the normal ones have this instinct, so they are walking down the hill.

  2. I agree with Alik. Additionally, the last scene I can see as a symbol of our life like the journey, surrounded by different people : by the friends ( that is why Ebba ask their friend , and not the husband to assist her with carrying the child ) and others, who not exactly know us ( Tomas take the cigarette ) . But all these people who get off the bus have the same orienteers .

  3. I mean the film's last moment when the mother gave her sleeping daughter not to the father but to his friend ... Is it because the friend proved himself as a Man and she has not forgiven her husband yet?

  4. Анонимный11:59

    I think she did not want to snab her husband, by giving the daughter to a friend. He actually, kind of redeem himself , when carried her out of the slobs in the last day of skying after her fall. I think, that all these people could help her with daughter as they are the bunch who shares the same values.I think, that Galya had meant exactly that in her comment.
