Мой роман с "Записками русского дебютанта" сел на мель на 280 странице, так и не достигнув порта назначения. Не то, это, братцы, не то. Если вы хотите про русских в Нью Йорке, то лучше уж Довлатова с Эдичкой. Если про новых русских, то рекомендую
"Краткая история пэйнтбола в Москве" Пелевина. А "Дебютант" меня разочаровал. :(
Покончив, наконец-то с эбьюзом в наших отношениях, я вернулся к роману, положительно влияющего на мою психику. Старый добрый Капоте не требовал предварительных игр, доведя до оргазма уже на первых минутах чтения:
“… “A breath of a buffalo in the wintertime” – that exactly evoked his view of life. Why worry? What was there to “sweat about”? Man was nothing, a mist, a shadow absorbed by shadows.
But, damn it, you do worry, scheme, fret over your fingernails and the warnings of hotel managements: ”Su Dia Termina a las 2 p.m.”
“Dick? You hear me?” Perry said. “It’s almost one o’clock.”
Dick was awake. He was rather more than that; he and Inez were making love. As though reciting a rosary, Dick incessantly whispered: ”Is it good, baby? Is it good?” But Inez, smoking a cigarette, remained silent. The previous midnight, when Dick had brought her to the room and told Perry that she was going to sleep there, Perry, though disapproving, had acquiesced, but if they imagined that their conduct stimulated him, or seemed to him anything other than a “nuisance,” they were wrong. Nevertheless, Perry felt sorry for Inez. She was such a “stupid kid” – she really believed that Dick meant to marry her, and had no idea he was planning to leave Mexico that afternoon.
“Is it good, baby? Is it good?”
Perry said: “For Christsake, Dick. Hurry it up, will you? Our day ends at two p.m.” (p.147)