среда, мая 02, 2012

While I was in the clinic, Anita was down the road having our daughter, Angela. Once I came out of the usual trauma, I had a guitar with me and I wrote "Angie" in an afternoon, sitting in bed, because I could finally move my fingers and put them in the right place again, and I didn't feel like I had to shit the bed or climb the walls or feel manic anymore. I just went, "Angie, Angie." It was not about any particular person; it was a name, like "ohhh, Diana." I didn't know Angela was going to be called Angela when I wrote "Angie." In those days you didn't know what sex the thing was going to be until it popped out. In fact, Anita named her Dandelion. She was only given the added name Angela because she was born in a Catholic hospital where they insisted that a "proper" name be added. As soon as Angela grew up a little bit, she said, "Never again do you call me Dandy."

K.Richards. Life

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