воскресенье, июля 24, 2011

Amy Winehouse - R.I.P.

4 комментария:

  1. Анонимный13:39

    Very sad.She was a very talanted girl.She is now in the list of the rockers who left us at 27:Janis Jopline,Jimmy Hendrix,Kurt Cobain.As someone in Holllywood said regarding very early departure of one of the young talanted actor,River Pheonix,I think:"Live fast,die young,leave good-looking corpse."
    May her soul rest in peace.
    p.s.Very appropriate word for the identification purpose for jewish girl.

  2. Анонимный13:42

    It is changed now,but the word was "cadish".Is it rendom?If it is.What a coincidence?

  3. It is very sad. С возрастом каждая преждевременная смерть воспринимается мной тяжелее. Даже когда это случается с незнакомыми людьми и everyone saw it's coming.

    Относительно твоего второго комментария ... даже усилием коллективного разума (Choo's & mine) мы не смогли докопаться до его истинного смысла.

  4. Анонимный15:23

    I have explained yesterday my second comment,but I can't see it now.The Word "cadish" was the checking word,the one which is under this text box and I thought that it was very appropriate for this story.
