суббота, января 17, 2009

Oozing a trickle

"He had hoped to glance at the text during his metro ride home, but spent the minutes in transit with his nose pressed between the chintz* shoulder blades of an elderly woman with a multitude of bags, one of which was quite perceptibly oozing* a trickle* of ice cream onto the floor, while gangling*, pimply * fellow sank his chin meditatively into Sukhanov's neck. On the way out, mildly befuddled*, he attempted to exit through a glass door that read, in mirrorlike inversion, "ЭכИАЯТИЭ", and a very large, formidable* figure in a pigeon-grey uniform - whether man or woman, he could not tell - shouted at him in a booming prison guard's voice that made passers-by start and turn and share, 'Where the hell do you think you're going, old man? Have you gone blind?' " (The Dream Life of Sukhanov, p. 164)

Мало что изменилось в столичном метро со времен Перестройки. Вспомнил рассказ Джима о том как в ответ на возросшее количество самоубийств на Украине правительство потребовало стереть надписи "Нет выхода" на дверях метрополитена.

* выделены незнакомые мне слова

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